Privacy Notice (GDPR)

Website Privacy Notice (GDPR)
This website is operated by Paul and Maria Evans. We take your privacy very seriously therefore we urge you to read this policy very carefully because it contains important information on:
1. How and why we collect, store and share personal information
2. Your rights in relation to your personal information, and
3. How to contact us and supervisory authorities in the event that you have a complaint.
We collect, use and are responsible for certain personal information about you. When we do so we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulations which apply across the European Union (including the UK) and we are responsible as ‘controller’ of that personal information for the purposes of those laws.
The personal information we collect and use
The personal information you provide to us is your email, home address and phone number. We collect this information when you email us directly or become a subscriber. The information you provide us is used to communicate with you.
Our website is hosted on the wix.com platform. Your data may be stored through wix.com's data storage, databases and the general wix.com applications. Wix stores your data on secure servers behind a firewall. The wix.com platform has listed using the following cookies for the following reasons.

Who your information may be shared with
We may share your information with law enforcement agencies in connection with any investigation to help prevent unlawful activity. We will not share your personal information with any other 3rd parties.
Whether personal information has to be provided by you, and if so why
No personal information has to be provided by you to us at any time
How long your personal information will be kept
Your information will be kept until such time as you request us to no longer keep store it in order to communicate directly with you or if you are a subscriber and we cease to provide subscriber services.
What are your rights and how to enforce them
Right to withdraw consent
Right to be informed
Right of access
Right of rectification
Right to erasure
Right to restrict processing
Right to data portability
Right to object How to complain to the Information
How to contact us
Email: fieldnotes.evans@aol.com
How to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted on: Post: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF. Tel: 0303 123 1113. Email contact can be made by accessing www.ico.org.uk