Hogweed magic mocks the cold snap
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
2 December 2016
All the colours of a November evening
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
23 November 2016
As autumn leaves fall, subversion is in the air
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
9 November 2016
The harlequin ladybird is a clever little devil
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
2 November 2016
No hiding place for a stranded squab
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
26 October 2016
Blood and bandages: a healer in the hedgerow
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
12 October 2016
Why the elder is a gift of wonders
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
5 October 2016
Robin's alarm flashes red for danger across the green space
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
28 September 2016
A tide is turning for the swallows
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
14 September 20016
Feeding sparrows on Holy Island: an ethical dilemma
Guardian Country Diary
Holy Island
7 September 2016
Young rabbit considers us as a threat
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
24 August 2016
The Clearing Little Toller's journal for new writing
Rain Sideways by Paul Evans
A response to the Referendum exploring what leaving the EU could mean for conservation, wildlife and our relationship with the land.
Adapted for land, but snails remain creatures of water
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
10 August 2016
Thistles: the darker side of summer
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
27 July 2016
This almost-island on the Welsh coast is a nowhere becoming somewhere
Guardian Country Diary
13 July 2016
Orchids paint the hill a sadder shade of pink
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
6 July 2016
A summer of rain, roses and nightingales
Guardian Country Diary
22 June 2016
A bird in the house disturbs the order of things
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
8 June 2016
Life-affirming flash of colour in the hedgerow
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
1 June 2016
Spring happens all at once, and the woods feel giddy
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
25 May 2016
Thrushling tests the edges of its hedge-world
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
11 May 2016
Floating crowfoot toughs it out with the frogs
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
4 May 2016
It's getting steamy in the hedgerow
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
27 April 2016
Towers in a landscape
Guardian Country Diary
Wenlock Edge
13 April 2016
Crow and the vernal egg
Guardian Country Diary Wenlock Edge
31 March 2016
The Gothic Charm of Cormorants
Guardian Country Diary Wenlock Edge
24 February 2016
An extract from
by Paul Evans, published by Little Toller Books
Yellow. p.28
A Monstrous Thing
An extract from
Field Notes From The Edge
by Paul Evans, published by Rider Books, 2015
Chapter 3. Strand p.38 - p.41
An extract from
by Paul Evans, published by Little Toller Books
White. p.33 - p.34
The light that made me blink
3 February 2016 Guardian Country Diary Wenlock Edge
The pigeon cocked a conspiratorial eye at the dog as we walked by. A wind ferocious enough to peel the bird from its perch and blow it away had little effect. The pigeon sat out the squall with saintly patience.
13 January 2016 Guardian Country Diary Wenlock Edge.
The snipe are not skulking, they’re invisible. Six stand together in the rushes beside Venus Pool, six winged probes the colour of winter marshes,
The feeling of just being watched does not make this place eldritch. A strange, otherworldly, wood, it can feel unsettling at the best of times....
Guardian Country Diary Wenlock Edge
6 January 2016
Nature photographs by Maria Nunzia @Varvera
Floating in the fog free of meanings.
Guardian Country Diary Wenlock Edge
9 January 2016